Submissions are super easy, especially if your video is already on YouTube or Vimeo. You can make an online submission through the following link:
- The deadline for entering is at noon March 3.
- Only Taiwanese (or Taiwanese-based) bands and artists are eligible for inclusion.
- Year of production must be 2012 or later.
- Submissions for the music video competition will only be accepted online.
- Music videos, short films by bands (微電影) and short music documentaries are eligible.
- Submissions must have the approval of both the film’s director and the musical rights holders. If either filmmaker, musicians or any other rights holders fail to grant permission, the work will be disqualified.
- If your band is signed to a music label, you must obtain permission from your label and will be asked to present permission in writing before you are allowed to participate in this event. (Permission Download Link)
- Sorry about that last rule, but music companies suck.
- Music video submissions are separate from the submissions to Urban Nomad’s 2014 Short Films Competition.
- All questions of eligibility will be determined by Urban Nomad.